Secure your website and applications using 2FA
With our Two Factor Authentication (2FA) solution, enable 2 layer security to your customer data. 2FA relies on customer's mobile number to validate their credentials before access is provided to the system. Use 2FA for first time registration, for repeated authentication or when there is repeated tries for authentication. Once customer registers and provides mobile number or logs in using their user name and password, you can use Precise Communications's 2FA to re verify the customer by sending One Time Password (OTP) to their mobile number. All the necessary integrations, OTP generation and verification will be done by Precise Communications avoiding the hassle of development for your team. Speak to our experts for any specific two factor authentication solution.
Two FactorAuthenticationWork Flow
- Customer provides the mobile number
- Mobile number is shared with Precise Communications system
- Pre validation of mobile number is done by Precise system (Number lookup)
- OTP is generated and delivered to the mobile number by Precise system
- Customer enters the OTP
- OTP verification is done by Precise system and confirmation shared back to your system